SOS Kinderdorf Nairobi

Das Kinderdorf liegt an der Outerring Road zwischen Airport und der Stadt Nairobi. 1990 konnte das SWISSAIR-Haus eingeweiht werden.


Children in the Swissair-family house:  Girls 6, Boys 7

Currently, the family has seven boys and six girls under their SOS mother, Mama Pauline. Mama Pauline took charge of family house number seven in the year 2020. Mama Pauline came in after the retirement of the long-serving mother, Mama Faith. Together with the children, Mama Pauline has adjusted well to the family, and they all get along quite well. Most children are all grown and in college, while the rest are almost completing their secondary school.

The family house currently has seven students:  *Peter, Samson, Robin,  Jesca, Osman, Job and Karim are in college. They are all pursuing various courses, and we are confident they will all secure employment to complete their studies.

Meanwhile, Lameck, David, Henry and Winnie are in secondary schools. Of the four students in secondary school, two are candidates for the National Exam, Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education. They will be joining colleges after that, depending on the courses they wish to pursue. Bob attends primary school while Victoria attends SOS Herman Gmeiner International College in Ghana and is in the twelfth grade.

The majority of the children will be completing their studies soon. All the children have enjoyed good health year-round and are working hard in their studies. They are all receiving support from their mother, Mama Pauoine, the Alternative Care Co-ordinator, the youth Care Coworkers, the educator and the Programme Director to achieve their dreams. The family is grateful for the support they have received from Swiss Air over the years.

*Names changed

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