SOS Kinderdorf Lesotho

SOS-Kinderdorf hilft seit 1988 in Lesotho (Quthing)

Seit 1988 engagiert sich SOS-Kinderdorf im Königreich Lesotho, welches wie eine Insel vom Meer, vollständig von Südafrika umgeben ist. Bereits besteht ein erstes Kinderdorf in der Hauptstadt Maseru.

Local report 2022

Children in the Swissair-family house:  Girls 3, Boys 2

It is a pleasure for me to tell you that your sponsored house is still doing very well in the SOS village. I believe you still remember that this is a big, lovely home inhabited by people who enjoy doing things together. A house full of joy and respect. Your sponsored house now has five children in total after the four oldest left the village to live with their families of origin. This caused sadness when they left, younger children missed their siblings, but the house mother was there to help them get their smiles back.
Last year was yet another great year for House 2, the twin sisters, Bokhabo and Likhabiso, did great at school and proceeded to the next grade. Every child in this house did exceptionally well in his/her studies. I am sure you will be pleased to know that the older sister in the house is a top seven achiever country wide for 2022 external final results. This was indeed a great achievement, not only for house 2, but for the whole village as well. Children continue to show great love for each other. They enjoy playing together. Those who get home first never miss to pick others who have not yet arrived home. Their mother is very proud and happy with how they are behaving and shows them love and care every single moment. Your kind contributions towards house
2 are appreciated. Thank you.

*Names of the children changed

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