SOS Kinderdorf Bhersaf (Libanon)

1969 konnte in Bhersaf erstmals im Libanon – und damit auch in der arabischen Welt – ein SOS-Kinderdorf seinem Zweck übergeben werden. 


Children in the Swissair-family house:  Girls 4, Boys 2

Last October, the family said goodbye to Chakib, who moved, as he reached the age of fourteen, to the Youth House in Jbeil city, about one hour and a half drive from the SOS village. Chakib visits his SOS family regularly. He came at Christmas and updated his SOS siblings and SOS mother on how his new life is going on and how much he misses each one of them. He was thrilled that his siblings Karem and Rawan became part of the Youth Club newly created in the village, and they spent an
amazing evening chatting and catching up with good stories and memories.
A focal point in each SOS family was chosen for the Youth Club. Karem was proud to get this responsibility that helps him enhance his organization and time management skills after school.
As for Rebecca and Laila, they are both the most skilled Zumba dancers in the village. They lead the dance, and train their friends and cannot get enough from learning new moves from performances they watch online.
And guess who got a new friend! The kitten Bagheera is the new best friend of Mariama, the youngest of her SOS siblings. Mama Ibtissam doesn’t succeed in convincing Mariama not to feed the kitten more than twice a day. “She needs to eat mama! I need to add some corn flakes to her milk… what do you think?” asks cute Mariama with sparkling black eyes.
This beautiful SOS family shows great discipline when it comes to education. All the children show great enthusiasm towards their studies. They are caring for each other and do not miss a chance to invite their school friends over to introduce to their friends in the village they say they are grateful to belong to. There is also a very special relationship between SOS mother Ibtissam and the children. Along with warmth and care, comes responsibility. Every time mama Ibtissam needs to go to the
market, she asks the children to help her prepare the shopping list and asks them who might take care of the younger siblings while she is gone for a short time.
The weekend is a great time for family gathering. On Saturday morning, the smell of pancakes wakes up all children, and they enjoy a breakfast together with brownies or thyme Zaa’tar Manakish (authentic Lebanese bread) along with warm cups of tea.
I cannot thank you enough for your care towards this lovely family. Every child is so grateful, and please know, it could not be the same without support like yours. Have a lovely spring!

*names of children changed”

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